A Day In The Life: what my day looks like with three children under the age of two

So I’ve always been hesitant to do a day-in-the-life post because I never wanted it to come across the wrong way. We’ve all read those blogs where it seems like they are bragging on all that they do or how much they accomplish in a day, and I never want to leave other mom’s with those yucky feelings of inadequacy that I feel when I read that kind of stuff.

But in all honesty I really do enjoy reading about other mom’s days. Partly because it’s informative and partly because, let’s face it, I’m nosy. (Ha)

So when my sister suggested we both chronicle our days and post about them, I decided to just do it. Not only will it be a great way to remember this season when it’s long gone, but I also hope it gives any of you ladies who are wondering what your days will be like with three children an idea of what goes on. (And it may not be as bad as you’ve been thinking!)

So with that being said, here was our Monday this week!


11:00-12:00 am – feed Elliot

So this day started a little early with Elliot waking up about an hour after we went to bed. She’s been pretty good about sleeping through the night, but she was just a hungry little thing last night!


4:45-5:30 – pump and feed Elliot

Again, I think maybe she’s either in a growth spurt of just a little hungrier than normal. Also, I exclusively pump (due to latch issues with Elliot), so I’ve mastered pumping and feeding her a bottle at the same time to cut down on time (praise Jesus!!). I actually don’t mind exclusively pumping because I am making a lot more milk and have a ton in the freezer which means date nights and getaways with my man. Can I get an AMEN.


9:00 – get boys up

My boys do not sleep until nine, they normally start waking up around 7:30, but I leave them in there until then. (Ha) Now before you think I’m terrible, they both talk and play happily in there. I’m trying to enjoy this while I can because I know all too soon Rhett is going to learn to escape from his crib and it’ll be a whole new ballgame!

So I get the boys up, change their diapers and bring them downstairs to sit in their high chairs. This morning I made scrambled eggs, but only because I didn’t want the eggs I bought to go bad. Most mornings it’s just dry cereal and fruit if they’re lucky. (Ha) Most of the time I have a screaming newborn who wants to be fed at the same time, so it’s definitely not gourmet around here! Maybe one day I’ll have pancakes waiting for them when they wake up…but that day is not today.

While the boys eat, I put Daniel Tiger on the tv and heat up a bottle for Elliot and pump while I’m feeding her.

Once she is done, I change her diaper and put her in the swing and get Eli a bottle ready.

10:30 play time and bath time

After breakfast the boys usually just play or I read to them until lunch. Today they got baths in between there too.

Bath time is a ton of work for me and honestly I kind of dread it when I’m here by myself. I have to make sure Elliot is happy and I had to figure out a way to get both boys out of the bath because they aren’t old enough to leave unsupervised for even a minute. So I’ve worked it out to where I bathe them both at the same time, get Rhett out first and dry him off (and try to keep him from running off), then I get Eli and carry him into their room. While I’m putting lotion on Eli, cleaning out his ears, and dressing him, I am just hoping Rhett (who is still totally commando) doesn’t pee on the carpet before I get to him. After Eli is all dressed, I put him on the floor and shut their bedroom door so he doesn’t go down the hallway, and begin the routine on Rhett.


11:00 lunchtime

I fix the boys lunch and while they are contained in their highchairs, I go and bathe Elliot. I choose right now to bathe them all during the day, because our evenings are complete mayhem for now and if I don’t do it earlier in the day it will most likely get overlooked. And I don’t know about you, but I like having clean children.

I give Eli another bottle and while he’s drinking that, I get Rhett to clean up their toys.

11:30 lay boys down

I take the boys and lay them down for their naps. They share a room and this will be Rhett’s only nap. Eli takes another afternoon nap.

I pump again and then heat up some leftovers for Chris and I to eat for lunch. It makes me feel so blessed that my husband gets to come home for lunch most days. It gives me a breath of fresh air to see his face during the day!

12:45 feed Elliot

Normally this is my only down time, so after I feed her I turn on Netflix and just sit still for a second. (Hallelujah!)

2:15 pump and fix snacks for boys

Again, my boys don’t sleep until 3, but as long as they are happy in there for a bit, I try to get as much done before they are on the loose as I can. I get my pumping done and fix their snacks. And sometimes go ahead and feed Elliot. But today she was still sound asleep.

3:00 get boys up

I get them up, change their diapers and feed them snacks. While they are eating I try filling out my Write The Word journal by Lara Casey, but didn’t get all the way through. A few verses are better than none though, right?!

Eli is super grouchy today, and I think it might be more teeth coming in, so I give him some tablets for the pain. Then we all just play and hangout.

Elliot is now hungry so I feed her.


4:15 lay Eli down for second nap

Poor Eli looks so exhausted so I lay him down for his second nap. This is also the only one on one time I get with Rhett, so we usually cuddle and watch a show, or like today played with blocks and trucks. It’s amazing how much calmer he is when it’s just him.

5:00 pump

5:30 Chris gets home

Most days Chris comes home to a lot of mayhem, which is not what my heart desires for my husband to come home to, but in this season it is what it is.

Usually I am pumping and feeding a baby, while Rhett suddenly decides to become possessed by something and run around frantically. It’s like he knows I am stranded when I’m pumping so that’s when he decides to jump off of furniture or touch things he shouldn’t or just be insane. (Ha)

Chris goes and gets Eli up and makes the boys some chicken nuggets. They both eat and then play some more before bedtime.

6:20 bedtime routine

Not every night looks the same, but we try to be consistent in their routine as much as we can.

Chris brushes Rhett’s teeth, I feed Elliot, and Rhett cleans up his toys. We then read our Psalm of the day (we’ve also worked through
Proverbs and that is a great book for a good  quick chapter to read before bed), and get the boys headed up to their room.

6:30 Rhett and Eli’s bedtime

6:45 dinner time for mommy and daddy

We love eating all together as a family but a lot of nights it just doesn’t happen for us. So we find it easier to feed the kids first and take care of them, and then we just eat later. Tonight we had turkey wraps and homemade guacamole. Mmmm!

7:45 feed Elliot

I fed Elliot while Chris worked outside cleaning the pool.

9:00 feed Elliot

Chris let me take a bath while he fed her. What a sweetheart!

Then I’ll pump and we’ll be off to bed hopefully before 11. (Which did not happen, due to a fussy baby and a teething toddler. ha)


And that my friends is a peek into my day!

Also, I get asked by a lot of people how many diapers we go through a day and how many times I pump. Today we went through 17 diapers and I usually pump 6-7 times a day. Whew! (Ha)

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Wife to my sweetheart. Mother to four blessings. Keeper of the place we call home.

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