3 Tips for Memorizing More Scripture

How To Memorize More ScriptureMemorizing Scripture is one of those things that I know I should do, but always seem to make excuses not to do.

It’s just so time consuming.

SHAME ON ME. Even just writing that out makes me feel bad. What a lame excuse!

Having Scripture tucked away in your mind and heart is not only a good way to speak truth to yourself throughout the day (because as a mommy, sitting down with my bible and notebook only happens when the little one is asleep…And I NEED it countless times in a day!), but is also a way to guard yourself against sin.

Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.” Psalm 119:11

So I have been consistent with memory verses since January (it was one of my New Year’s resolutions), and I thought I would share some things I’ve found to be helpful in being consistent.

3 Tips for Consistent Scripture Memory:

1. Start slow. You don’t have to memorize 29 verses a week. Start off with one verse a week, or even one verse every two weeks. My rule is I move on to a new verse when I can recite it completely from memory. Some may take longer than others.

2. Keep your memory cards in your bible. I write my memory verses on blank business cards and then stick them in my bible. That way I know where they are, and it’s not an additional thing I have to get out when I’m doing my quiet time. This was huge for me! And it’s so simple. I had done verse packs and bought all kinds of holders for them, but after a month or so, I would misplace them, and bye-bye verses! Now I know when I sit down to read my bible that my verses are right there and I recite them before I begin my reading.

3. Keep an ongoing list of future verses to memorize. When I come across a verse in my reading that I really love and want to remember, I have a sheet dedicated in the back of my notebook for future memory verses. When I have completed them, I scratch a line through them and move down to the next one. This is great because I am never at a loss of what to memorize.

And that’s it! I hope these help you as much as they’ve helped me. It’s all about finding what works for you and what will help you be most successful in being consistent. Because this is SO important.

What habits have helped you in your scripture memory?

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Wife to my sweetheart. Mother to four blessings. Keeper of the place we call home.

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